craigieburn library, craigieburn

Craigieburn Library has fast become a Mamma favourite! The children’s section is just gorgeous - firstly it’s HUGE! It’s also bright and colourful and has an attached outdoor courtyard area with a shade sale and space to spread out to read, enjoy the sunshine or roam around to burn off some energy!

It’s open late 4 days a week and there are numerous options for weekly baby, toddler and pre-schooler story times and also bilingual sessions. Check session times here.

They also offer access to emerging technology resources including 3D printing, robotics and coding and run school aged programs incorporating recycled materials and retro gaming!

If you have children of any pre-school age it’s also worth signing up for 1000 Books Before School., a free program encouraging a love of reading through a milestone structure with bonus rewards along the way!

Mamma’s Special Mention: Feel like another adventure while you’re in the area? Check out the awesome Aston’s Debonair Parade Park - it’s a real treat!

nitty gritty


monday - thursday

access bathrooms - pram accessible - lots of parking onsite

(inside Hume Global Learning Centre Craigieburn)

75-95 Central Park Avenue,
Craigieburn, 3064