romsey ecotherapy park

Mamma loves a community park like this one! You can almost feel the energy and commitment that has gone into creating a space dedicated to nature, play, wellbeing and relaxation! And it is still a work in progress, meaning more exciting additions are still to come! The inspiration for the park came from a committee of dedicated locals who saw how much Romsey would benefit from a place like this.

Located in the outdoor area of an old primary school, the park already has a flying fox, a basket swing, a hammock, a wooden forte with a wide slide (the latter is built in and around an incredible, cavernous old oak tree!) and 2 epically tall rope & wood climbing structures. The play area is surrounded by tree shade, rocks, wooden planks and stumps and there’s lots of space for ball-play and picnics. There’s a really lovely vibe here with friendly locals chatting to one another as the kids play. Being surrounded by nature like this really inspires imaginative play - the little ones found feathers, pointed at bugs, collected fallen acorns and balanced on the rocks and wooden beams.

Mamma can’t wait to see the possible future additions of an arts/culture space, a woodland ramble, a sensory therapeutic space and a billabong! Wow.

Mamma's special mention: Check out the new Sunbury Library on your way home! If you’re heading further North - make SURE you check out the incredible Cleveland Winery. Or, if you’re staying put, Mamma noticed a really lovely wine & cheese bar across the road with a pretty & spacious garden!

the nitty gritty 

nature play - playground - small carpark - toilets across the road at Lions Park (there is also a very small playground here) and another bigger one further down Main St

click here for more great parks and playspaces in the north